Medical fees

Type of serviceFinancial assistance

In the event of hospitalisation

  • Urgent;
  • In a country covered by MUTAS
  • After deduction of intervention under the Belgian AMI or international regulations relating to health insurance or any public insurance

Outpatient treatment:

  • Visit to the doctor / treatment in polyclinic;
  • Physiotherapy/Kinesitherapy

Warning ! A guarantee can only be given by Mutas

  • If the costs exceed 250€
  • If it is a new medical problem that occured abroad (un-planned emergency treatment)
From 250€

Costs for urgent replacement or repair of dentures

  • Deductible of 25€;
  • No intervention for the acquisition of a new denture or post tooth
Limited to 250€



Type of serviceFinancial assistance

Dialysis care costs : 

  • The deductible of 25 € is not applied 
  • Number of sessions is uncapped 

Warning !!! To enable the very best organisation by Mutas, you must contact them one week before departure (when the trip has been paid for by the hospital in Belgium). 

Unlimited assistance

Dialysis transport costs : 

  • Transport between the holiday destination and the hospital: 

Dialysis transport by taxi and public transport must first be paid for by the patient before being introduced for (partial) refund based on the Royal decree (0.25€/km for a maximum of 30 km one way and a max of 30 km return 

Limited to 500€


Oxygen therapy

Type of serviceFinancial assistance

Oxygen therapy costs

  • The deductible of 25 € is not applied 
  • Prior agreement from the health insurance company is necessary  
  • Only for chronic pathologies  

The oxygen supply during the round trip by car, bus, train, etc. must be organised and paid for by the patient himself. 

Warning !!! To enable the very best organisation by Mutas, inform them ideally 1 month in advance. (Mutas will check if the member is fit to travel/Fit for Fly, if they have the agreement of their health insurance company). 


Exclusion :

  • There is no intervention in countries or regions where it is known before departure that the medically necessary infrastructure is absent or is only present a very long distance away.  



Type of serviceFinancial assistance

Costs related to medical repatriation: 

  • All forms of patient transport ; 
  • Only to Belgium ; 
  • Organised by Mutas ; 

Primary transport costs for the sick or injured 

  • Transport by helicopter, ambulance, taxi for initial treatment by a doctor or hospital. 

Secondary transport costs for the sick or injured 

  • Cost of follow-up transport by helicopter, ambulance or taxi for continued treatment by the doctor. 
Limited to 500€

Exclusions :

  • In the event of an accident on the ski slopes, sleigh transport costs, excluding search costs. 
  • Repatriations when it is not a medical emergency. 
  • When the member organizes his own repatriation. 
  • Travel expenses due to visits to the hospitalised beneficiary are not refundable. 



In the event of death abroad

Type of serviceFinancial assistance

Transporting a family member to the policyholder’s place of death: 

  • This person (whether or not affiliated with Neutral health insurance company) must have a relationship less than or equal to the 2nd degree 
Just one intervention up to 250€
Costs of repatriation of mortal remainsUnlimited (Mutas' agreement)
Fees for using the mortuary of the funeral directors that Mutas usedIntervention up to 300€ (only in the event of a request from the family)

Exclusions :

  • Funeral and cremation costs abroad are not covered
  • No intervention for the transport of the urn



Type of serviceFinancial intervention
Telephone costs with the Mutas alarm centre

Intervention up to a maximum of 10€ per dossier, only if the conditions in point C of Art. 34 of the UNMN article of associations are fulfilled

Living expenses for the accompanying person 

  • Price of the room and breakfast  
  • Return ticket (if conditions of Art. 34 of the UNMN statutes in point D.2. are met) 
Limited to 1200€

Exclusion :

  • Warning! Meals and personal expenses are not refunded.